Luna Harper’s Guide to No-Added Sugar Products in Stores

Advocate of clean eating and health coach Luna Harper is driven in helping others reduce sugar intake without compromising taste.

For anyone trying to lead a better lifestyle, her most recent guidance on no-added sugar products in supermarkets is revolutionary.

“Knowing where to look will help you to reduce sugar more easily than you would think,” Luna says “Many manufacturers are now providing taste-just as good, if not better, alternatives free of added sugar that rival their sugary counterparts.

This week her favorite discovery is a line of unsweetened almond milk. She remarks, “It’s creamy, delicious, and works wonderfully in everything from smoothies to coffee.

” Luna also rates unsweetened yogurt as a flexible mainstay. “If you’re craving a little sweetener, you can add fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey; but, you are in control of how much.”

Luna advises dry fruits and no-added sugar granola bars as snack foods. She counsels looking for ones with less components. “Dates and nuts combine naturally to be delicious and fulfilling.”

Her advice for a pro is Examine the labels always. “Many products labelled as ‘healthy’ still have hidden sugars,” Luna cautions. “Once you discover brands you trust, it comes much more naturally.”

Following Luna’s advice will help you find that eating healthily free of added sugar can be easy and fun. “The key is to focus on whole, real foods,” she smiles.
